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Watch Where You Walk: An Overview of Tile Flooring

tile flooringIf you have considered changing the floors of your bathrooms or kitchen, you know that an option you have is tile.  But saying it is one option really is misleading because there are a number of types of tile that are available.  This blog will give you a broad overview of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the different types of tile flooring.

Ceramic tiles. Ceramic tiles are made by molding clay and other materials in a tile shape and can be non-porcelain (traditional ceramic tile) or porcelain (which contains feldspar added to the clay).  Both porcelain and non-porcelain can be glazed, which provides greater protection against stains and scratches. Non-porcelain ceramic tile is a low-cost flooring option while porcelain ceramic tile costs more but offers more durability and stain resistance.

Natural stone.  Tiles made from natural stone bring a touch of nature’s beauty into your home.  Common stone types used for floor tiles include granite, marble, limestone, travertine (a specific type of limestone), and slate.  Of these substances, granite and slate are the least porous and are good for kitchen floors and high-traffic areas.  Marble, limestone, and travertine are more prone to scratching and staining and require more care such as sealing.  These materials are not recommended for home areas where they might be exposed to water, staining, or extensive wear.  Natural stone tiles are more expensive than some other flooring choices.

Terrazzo.  Created by embedding fragments of marble or other stone in concrete, terrazzo tiles are both beautiful and practical.  They give rooms a sense of elegance similar to natural stone tiles, but are also durable and easy to maintain.  Terrazzo tiles come in a variety of styles and colors and can be refinished multiple times.  However, like stone tiles, they can be expensive.  They also tend to be slippery so care should be taken to prevent falls.

Concrete.   Tiles can also be made from concrete, which is created by mixing stone, sand, water and cement. The primary advantage of concrete is its durability.  Concrete tiles also offer a wide degree of versatility.  Not only are tiles available in a wide range of colors, but consumers also have flexibility in size and pattern.  On the down side, concrete can be tricky to install and is also moderately expensive, though less so than some other trendy options.

Glass.  Finally, you may be surprised to learn that flooring tiles can actually be manufactured out of glass.  These tiles are reflective and colorful and can be a stunning addition to your décor.  Though they are easy to clean, the installation of these tiles requires some knowledge and skill.  Since the tiles are transparent, care must be taken to ensure that the adhesive is applied correctly to preserve appearance.  As you might guess, these tiles can be very expensive.

As you can see, there is no lack of choice when it comes to tile flooring.  In fact, with all these options, there is probably a type of tile that is right for just about every situation and budget.  If you already have tile floors but find that they are looking dirty and dull, Langenwalter can restore them to their original beauty.  We have certified technicians that know how to safely clean these surfaces and bring back the charm that they had when first installed.  You can schedule today to have your tile floors cleaned using our current special, 10% off cleaning service, which applies to tile floor cleaning as well as our other services.

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