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Tile Floor Maintenance Tips

tile floor maintenance

If you read last week’s blog, you now know that there are a wide variety of flooring tile available to consumers today.  Tiles can be made from different substances and offer a wide enough selection to satisfy even the choosiest homeowner.  From traditional ceramic to elegant marble, from rustic natural stone to concrete in the trendiest hues, I feel confident that there is a tile out there to match nearly every taste.  For those who already have tile floors or are interested in installing them, here are some tips to keep them looking new and beautiful.

Avoid Scratches

The greatest threat to your tile floors is scratching.  While tiles are not exactly delicate, they have an inherent susceptibility to scratches.  Some tile materials should be sealed after installation so check with the manufacturer of your tile if you are unsure.  You should always take care when moving furniture and avoid sliding it across the surface of your floor.  In addition, small particles can do almost as much damage so place walk-off mats at entry points to minimize the amount of sand and dirt on your floors.

Take Care of Daily Messes Quickly

Tile floors are generally easy to maintain, and one of the most important ways to care for them is simply to take care of messes right away.  Since dirt and sand can scratch the surface of tile floors, you want to remove them often with a vacuum or dust mop.  Likewise, some tiles may absorb liquids so spills should also be wiped up immediately to avoid staining.

Clean on a Regular Basis

In addition to cleaning up dirt and spills quickly, tile floors also benefit from weekly mopping with water and a mild detergent.  Using the wrong chemicals on your tile floor can cause damage to the surface so be careful to check with your manufacturer for recommendations about the appropriate cleaner for your floor.

Don’t Forget About the Grout

When you think about maintaining your tile floor, don’t forget about the grout between the tiles.  While the tile is definitely the main attraction, stained or dirty grout can steal the show and make your floors look older and dirtier.  To clean grout, mix together baking soda and water or distilled vinegar (as long as this blend is okay for your tile) and scrub with an old toothbrush. Grout can also be sealed to slow down dirty build-up.

Tile floors are a smart investment.  Not only do they look great today, but some can keep looking great for a lifetime, depending on the material.  However, tile and grout that is looking old, dingy, or dull may need a visit from Langenwalter.  Our expert technicians know the best way to clean tile of all types, and we have the powerful, efficient equipment to get your tile refreshed in a fraction of the time the old toothbrush routine takes.  Give us a call today (317-876-9944) or make an appointment online.

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