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Love Pets, Hate the Stains: Removing Pet Stains from Carpet

We love our pets, but one of the downsides of pet ownership is that they can make a mess. From tracking cat litter all over the house to unrolling your toilet paper, your house is never quite the same after you welcome a pet in. Sometimes, that means unexpected pet urine stains on your carpet.

But you can live with your furry friend while still keeping your home looking (and smelling) great. First, for your pet’s sake, if you notice your pet having a lot of accidents, take them to the vet. In some cases, accidents can be a sign that the pet is sick or in distress.

However, we’re not vets. We’re carpet cleaners, so let’s talk about how you can tackle those stains. The best way to reduce yellowing is to get to those stains as soon as possible. Using a white cloth or paper towel, lightly blot up all the liquid you can. Your goal here is to prevent the urine from going more deeply into your carpet fibers and pad, where it will stain and smell. Yes, there are a lot of products out there which promise big results, but most of them are all hype. Vinegar and water won’t discolor your carpet further, reduces the alkalinity of the urine (which can limit yellowing) and can cut down on the smell. Let it dry. If you still have yellowing, it’s time to call in a professional carpet cleaner like Langenwalter.

If you weren’t able to get to the stain right away—say you were out of town or the stain was in a spot you overlooked–there’s not a whole lot you can do yourself to get rid of that stain. Again, call in the pros. We’ll come out and take a look at the situation, offering you a free quote. Depending on how severe and widespread the damage is, the cleaning process might take a single day or it might take 2-3 days. Your carpet cleaning technician will be able to give you an idea of your expected time frame.

Once they get to work, their first step is to pre-treat the stain. This helps break up the mess and starts the deodorization process. The next step is extraction, or removing the stain using water and steam. Sometimes we can do this on the same day as pretreatment, and sometimes we might have to come back the next day. It all depends on your individual needs.

So take care of those pets—but don’t forget about your carpets. Contact Langenwalter to schedule your carpet cleaning today.

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