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What to Tell Your Carpet Cleaner Before They Leave

There are certain steps you can take to prepare for the arrival of your carpet cleaning company, but have you thought about what you should ask them before they leave? Instead of waiting until the next day to call with comments, questions or concerns, talk with your service technicians before they leave. Here are some great ways to address questions or concerns with your technician.

Speak up if You are Unsatisfied

Sometimes customers are not fully satisfied with the work the service technicians provide. That being said, don’t wait until the next day or the next month to call the company and voice your concerns. This will only take more time out of your day. Save yourself the phone call and the hassle of rescheduling another appoingment and mention any concerns you have to your service technician before they leave your home. This is a great opportunity for them to fix anything you find unsatisfactory.

There’s No Such Thing as a Stupid Question

You have probably heard that saying a million times, but it’s true. If you have any questions about anything, ask! Your service technician will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have about the services they completed. They are there to give you as much information as you would like. Are you wondering how long it will take for your carpet to dry? Are you curious if your pets are safe to walk across the treated carpet? Ask your service technician instead of living in limbo. You can always call the company for more information, or as you accumulate more questions, but use your technician as a reputable source while you have them in your home.

Let Your Wants/Needs Be Known

While service technicians are on a schedule, there is always time to ask them about other services the carpet cleaning company offers before they leave. If you are thrilled with their performance and the work that they have done, get a quick opinion about the other concerns you have about your flooring. They cannot spend all day chatting with you about the dos and don’ts of carpet or hardwood floor cleaning maintenance, but they can give you their suggestions and recommendations. After you get their expert advice, you can call and schedule another appointment to meet the specific needs of the flooring you wish to have cleaned next.

Don’t wait to voice your concerns or ask questions about the services your carpet cleaning company provides. They want to hear your honest feedback and to fix any problems as quickly as possible so you are 100 percent satisfied. Speak up make sure to ask any questions you might have before your technician leaves. Get their professional advice to save yourself time and money. Interested in learning more about the services Langenwalter has to offer? Give us a call at 317-876-9944 or visit our website today!

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