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Should You Rent a Carpet Cleaner or Call a Professional?

By now you know you should have your carpets deep cleaned at least once, if not twice, a year. But the question still remains; should you rent a carpet cleaner or hire a professional? We have advised you before about the risks you take when you use DIY stain removal tips, but we have not touched on why you should not rent a carpet cleaner or carpet steamer to deep clean your carpets yourself. Here are a few reasons why you should call a professional.

You probably think that renting a carpet cleaner will save you money instead of paying for a professional carpet cleaning service to come in and clean your carpets. You are mistaken. Trying to clean your carpets yourself is a very time consuming process. Plus, it can become very expensive when the results do not turn out how you hoped they would. First, rental carpet cleaning machines are not as powerful as the machines professionals use. They do not extract as much dirt and are also not able to remove the right amount of water from your carpets after they have been cleaned. The longer your carpet stays soaking wet the greater your chances of having mold and mildew. Replacing your carpet because of mold growth is much more expensive than calling a professional carpet cleaner.

Another risk you run into when choosing to rent a carpet cleaning machine is you do not know who rented the machine before you. You do not know how they used the machine or what they put into it. Did they put bleach in the machine? Did they use a weird concoction of chemicals or cleaning solvents? You have no idea and you are now using that machine on your carpet. This could cause damage to your flooring that is very costly to repair or replace. Also, soap residue can linger on your carpets if it is not extracted correctly. Lingering soap can also result in the growth of mold and mildew.

Instead of spending countless hours trying to clean your carpets yourself, all while risking ruining your carpet with a rented machine, call the professionals at Langenwalter. We have certified technicians who know exactly how to treat stains, what techniques to use to eliminate them and have the powerful equipment to provide you with an exceptional outcome. Call us at 317-876-9944 or visit our website.

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