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Removing Smells from Your Carpet

Your carpet tends to capture odors and keep them trapped for what seems like forever. Whether it’s pet odor, smoke or food, you need to get the smell out and you need to get it out now. The at-home remedies might seem like a quick fix, but we recommend giving Langenwalter a call to really help get the smell out for good. Choosing to do it yourself could lead to even bigger problems than smelly carpet.

Do Not Use Baking Soda

You will notice that a lot of websites will suggest you sprinkle baking soda liberally over the areas of your carpet that smell, and use a broom to sweep the baking soda deeper into the carpet fibers. This is not a good idea. The baking soda might mask the smell, but it will ruin your carpet and your vacuum. The baking soda will settle deep into the carpet so when the time comes to vacuum it up it will have clumped and stuck to the carpet fibers. The baking soda will also clog your vacuum’s filter and possibly create long-term damage.

To make matters worse, the DIY method requires you to keep adding more layers of baking soda if you can still smell the odor. So you are essentially adding more and more baking soda into your carpet, which will continue to settle on top of the old baking soda. This will create a thick layer of baking soda deep inside your carpet that you will not be able to vacuum out. It will also stick to the carpet fibers making it almost impossible to remove which will cost you more money when you finally decide to call a professional for help.

Another method consists of spraying a mixture of white vinegar and water over all the areas of your carpet that smell. Even if you only lightly mist your carpet, you will still end up with more problems than just the bad odor. You could over saturate your carpet, which will take days to dry. When your carpet finally does dry it will have an even stranger smell, plus there will be residue left behind. You will end up spending more time and money to fix your mistakes plus the odor. It won’t be cheap and you will regret ever attempting a DIY method in the first place.

Avoid all of that frustration now and call Langenwalter to schedule a carpet cleaning appointment. It will save you time and money. You’ll be able to enjoy fresh smelling carpet without the chance of permanently damaging your carpet or your vacuum cleaner. Let the professionals at Langenwalter help.


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