Water Damage Restoration from Langenwalter!  317-876-9944

How to Reduce Water Damage in Your Indianapolis Home

It’s been a wild winter here in Indianapolis. We’ve spent the past few weeks extracting the water left behind from burst pipes and ice dams, but as temperatures increase, the worst danger is yet to come for many homeowners. As all this snow melts, it will unleash a torrent of water into basements and low-lying homes. Since rain often accompanies big snow melts, that further compounds the problem.

So if you are unlucky enough to suffer from flooding, what should you do? We’ve got a few tips to make cleanup much easier:

  1. Call a water extraction company as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more difficult and expensive it will be. Waiting to take action can also result in unpleasant long-term consequences like mold. Call Langenwalter as soon as you realize you’ve suffered water damage.
  2. Turn off the water and electricity in the affected area. The first is obvious; you don’t want any more water damage than you already have. But live wires or active electrical connections in flooded areas can cause serious injuries or even death. Turn off the electricity, unplug any electronics in the area and be careful.
  3. Stay off the floor, especially if you have carpet. Walking on sodden carpet will only make the situation worse. Only walk on the area if you absolutely have to. This goes for your pets as well.
  4. Wash your hands diligently. Flood water is untreated and may come from unsavory sources. In addition, mold can start to grow very quickly after a water damage incident. Wash your hands after you touch anything in the affected area. Remove as many items as possible, especially books, linens or other soft items.
  5. Do not try to solve the problem yourself. Don’t bring out fans or try to remove water with a shop vac. You put yourself at risk of electric shock and may wind up spreading contaminants from the water throughout your home. Just be patient and wait for professional help.

We really and sincerely hope you don’t experience flooding—ever. But if you do have water damage in your home, call a qualified Indianapolis water extraction team. At Langenwalter, we have years of experience helping homeowners like you recover from water damage and get their lives back. Contact us today for help getting back on your feet.

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